Tutorial from scratch, July 7, 2024

This is a tutorial that will take you from a complete beginner to compiling your first map. Make sure you read this carefully before taking any action, Valve Hammer Editor has a lot of tools and settings. After you get the hang of it, mapping can be very fun to do for you and your playtesters. This tutorial is a good start for Source mapping too, if you know the basics in GoldSource, then Source will come in like a sequel to it.
Long story short click here for the tutorial.CS 1.6 : HOW TO SET UP A SERVER
Create Your Own CS 1.6 Server, July 7, 2024

This tutorial will take you from a total noobie to a beginner server administrator. It is not very hard to do, but you have to know some commands like rcon or amx addon commands. In this tutorial we will cover Windows local servers, if you are interested in Linux hosted servers email me with your questions. I owned a decent CS 1.6 custom map server and a HLDM server which became No. 1 in the world both in 2013 and 2021 (according to gametracker.com), so I should know what I am talking about.
Long story short click here for the tutorial.